Why should we read the Bible?

Starting of I admit reading the bible is hard, its this big intimidating book full of pages and pages of language we may not be use to and can’t understand.

Until recently I’ve never really regularly read my bible as if I’m honest, I can find it boring and hard to understand.

But then I found the verse psalms 19: 7 -10 and now I see the point.

In psalms 19: 7-10

It says

The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The commandments of the Lord are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear,
giving insight for living.
 Reverence for the Lord is pure,
lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
each one is fair.

What this is saying is actually the bible is gods spoken word and we know that god only speaks truth and uplifting things. So the bible must be good for us. In this verse it goes further and says gods written word revives your soul it, refreshes you, it gives you life.

This verse also says that the bible is trustworthy, it brings joys to your heart and the bible is all pure for our soul.

The bible is a book full of wise from relationships to money to how to get along with your parents; it’s all in there. The advice can also help us approach situations and overcome the temptations we face. By reading the bible we can understand what we are supposed to do rather than just guessing and hoping we are right.

It also gives an insight on the way to live as sometimes we can feel a bit lost in who we are or a little confused what the future will bring. When we read our Bible’s we can clearly see that God has a purpose for us at every state of our lives. His words can give us direction.

The bible is one of gods many gifts to us as it allows us to connect and learn about him in a deeper way. Unpicking the bible and trying to understand the verses is an important aspect of getting to know what god is speaking to us through his written word and looking at what the ‘hidden meaning’ what I mean by that is seeing what god is speaking to us about and what he wants us to get out of the bible. Knowing this will help us get a deeper and closer relationship to god.

Lastly what the bible is it’s a whole lot of truth! This is actually my favourite part of the bible because I know that whatever I’m going through in that moment of time I know that I can rely on the truth in the bible to give me strength.

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